クリストファー・パイパー ゼミ

Theatre Arts(演劇研究)


In this seminar students will learn all about Theatre Arts. We will examine the history and language of theatre. We will look at some specific playwrights. We will also try practical theatre skills, such as acting, stage management and playwriting. The content of each class will depend very much on the confidence and experience of the students involved. We will begin by looking at some theatre history and theory. We will then move on to look at some specific theatre texts, such as Shakespeare. Once we are ready we will start learning practical theatre skills and work towards a full theatre performance at the International Theatre Festival.
クリストファー・パイパー ゼミ1
クリストファー・パイパー ゼミ2
This seminar encourages us to be more active about learning English, standing up and performing. It was the first time for me to study English with the style that we put some feelings or stresses on the sentences. I learned how we be more persuasive in the conversations or discussions, and could use the skill in other classes.
菊池 亜南さん

I learned the importance of emotional expression at this seminar. Until now, I have tended to read English sentences without much thought. But thanks to this seminar, I am now able to express my emotions when I read English in other classes as well. Thank you very much.
小山 直輝さん

The most enjoyable part of this seminar is that the professor can teach us on the spot the pronunciation and chunking of the dialogue of the plays. I can take notes on the spot and use them for practice and the next rehearsal. Ibelieve that if Ienjoy the theater, ourprofessors have a lot to teach us.
東岩 司さん